At the moment my bone marrow is in overdrive as it madly makes white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets for me, you can see in the graph below that my neutrophils and white blood cells have started their climb back up to normal levels. When bone marrow is highly active it can cause some pain in the bones and joints, most bone marrow is located in the large flat bones of the body, especially the hips, it is also found in vertebrae the rounded ends of the body's longer bones, so that is where the pain shows up. The pain is only temporary, it usually lasts no more than two days, and pain killers are enough to take the edge of it.
So all in all a bit of pain is a small price to pay for getting my immune system back, it's another step towards getting home.
Otherwise, things are going along ok and I am on track to being discharged from hospital this Sunday or Monday
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