God I hate surprises.
Monday 18th feb was the day I had my Perma-cath inserted, This the tube that goes into the large blood vessels near my heart to deliver the chemo. The procedure is done under sedation/local anaesthetic and is usually not a drama, takes only 45 mins form the time you walk in the front door of the hospital to the time you walk back out again.
This time however it seems that the tube may have been inserted a little to far and it touched my heart. Apparently I have a ticklish heart because it went into Atrial fibrillation (which basically means that one of the upper chambers of the heart went into a spasm and was not working effectively, displaying as a rapid and irregular beat). For me this was not as dramatic as it sounds, apart from a slight flutter in the chest I felt perfectly Ok, But it was still enough for the medical emergency team to be called to my bed. It is quite sureal to be surrounded by 10+ highly qualified medical staff when you are feeling fine, maybe it was just the sedation... At the end of the day my ticklish heart calmed itself after about an hour and we then spent a quiet night together in intensive care for monitoring.
I Also had a couple of tests to confirm that heart size, structure and function are normal. I'm pleased to say that they are. There have been no problems since, and a recurrence is unlikely.
Cheers, Pete.
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