So this time around it's high dose chemo. I can't say that I am not scared for the first time since this all began way back in 2007, there is no point pretending that this will be easy, unfortunately you all need to know that it won't be. Those of you who know me also know that I will be up for the fight.
The high dose chemo is done inconjunction with stem cell transplants. These stem cells (along with other supporting interventions such as standard blood/platelet transfusions, lots of antibiotics etc.) will kick start my system again after the high dose chemo has killed off my immune system and bone marrow.
Treatment will start off with pretty standard doses of paclitaxol and ifosfamide over two cycles. Inbetween these two cycles they will begin to harvest my stem cells so that they can give them back to me after the high dose chemo.
Key dates:
18-Feb. Perma-cath insertion (this tube gets inserted into my jugular vein from where it travels down to the large blood vessels near my heart, this is done so that the high dose chemo is released into my body at a point where there is high blood flow and therefore less risk of unintended damage. They will also collect and implant my stem cells via the Permacath.
22 Feb. Start cycle one of Paclitaxol and Ifosfamide.
25 Feb. End cycle one.
26 Feb. Begin daily GCSF (to stimulate stem cell production).
1 March, Pre stem cell collection appointment.
4 March, Apheresis (stem cell collection). We will probably begin stem cell collection on this day, although if my body is not producing enough then collection will be delayed for 24hrs. The process of collection sounds pretty straight forward from a patients point of view, I will be connected up to a machine that will draw of my blood, the machine will remove the stem cells for storage, the rest of my blood is returned to me. We are hoping to collect between 10 and 12 million of the little miracles so this may take a couple of days of sitting in a chair while the machine does its work, hopefully this turns out to be as dull as it sounds.
March 7, Clinic review with my Oncologist.
March 8, Start cycle two of Paclitaxol and Ifosfamide.
March 11, End cycle two.
March 18, Pre stem cell transplant check ups (heart/lung/kidney/liver function tests, dental check up, blood tests for any pre existing conditions etc).
March 20, Review with stem cell specialist for final go ahead of high dose chemo and stem cell transplant.
March 24, First cycle of high dose chemo begins.
March 29, First stem cell transplant.
April 21 (approx), second cycle of high dose chemo begins.
April 26 (approx), second stem cell transplant.
May 18 (approx), third and final dose of high dose chemo begins.
May 23 (approx), third and final stem cell transplant.
Early June (approx), Possible surgery to remove suspect lymph nodes. Known as a Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection (RPLND).
Cheers, Pete.
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