A person needs good family and friends around them to negotiate the lengthy and twisted road that cancer can force upon all involved, I am extraordinarily fortunate to have the right people around me and I thank all of you. Not everyone is lucky enough to have such people, I have shared enough hospital rooms with enough fellow patients over the last 5 years to know.
But for me there is much more, for I am amongst the luckiest, blessed as I am with not only with good people but also with one true soulmate. Robyn it is a daily miracle of the most sublime kind that you exists at all, an even greater miracle that I found you. With the 26 little letters of the alphabet a scientist can form words to describe the universe and a poet can mould the words to reveal the most profound truth and beauty, yet those same 26 letters could never be shaped to express what you mean to me or how good you make me feel everyday or how much I love, admire and appreciate you.
I am not amongst the luckiest, I am the luckiest. Thank you darling, for being you.
As for the more prosaic stuff you can surmise from todays graph that things are going along nicely. That's great as it allows me to focus on rebuilding my body and mind for the next chemo cycle, I should find out on Thursday when the next cycle actually begins, but it is very likely to be Monday or Tuesday next week. In the mean time I only have a couple of appointments to attend, including a CT scan today. I think todays scan is my 50th procedure in the diagnostic imaging department, so I am hoping to be presented with a gold watch.
Cheers, Pete.
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