Sunday, 14 April 2013


 I'm still waiting for the ok to leave the hospital, hopefully that happens today because with a re-admission date of the 22 of April looming large I want and need as much time away from the ward as possible to rebuild for the next cycle.
It's a little bit frustrating at the moment as we have dealt very well with all the big stuff and it seems like the thing keeping me here is peripheral to the main game (you know things aren't very serious when you are placed in the care of the most junior of nurses).
Adding to the frustration is a minor dose of cabin fever, I have not been off the ward for two weeks and apart from a short walk around the ward on most days I am unable to leave my room because of the Cdiff. Sometimes I feel a little bit like I am trapped inside an episode of the 1980's aussie tv series Prisoner/cell block H, complete with one sour nurse who seems to like doing an impression of Vera 'vinegar tits' Bennett. Thankfully Joan 'the freak' Fergusson hasn't made an appearance yet. Some of my fellow patients/inmates could fulfil the other rolls nicely with there being lots of competition for the roll of Lizzie.
Someone has uploaded all 692 episodes to youtube if you are interested... but you probably need to be sick and in hospital before it's worth it.
Vera 'vingar tits' Bennet
Joan 'the freak' Fergusson
I just saw the docs, I have just been granted parole and wiell be out of here today!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your run in the park, don't piss on too many trees!!!!
