Day -4, Friday, 29th March, Chemo (prehydration, premedications, ifosfamide, carboplatin, post hydration throughout the day).Day -3, Saturday, 30th March: Chemo (as above).
Day -2, Sunday, 31st March: Chemo (as above).
Day -1, Monday, 1st April: Hydration all day.
Day 0, Tuesday, 2nd April: Stem cell transplant day.
Day +1, Wednesday, 3rd April to approximately day +14: recovery in hospital.
Day +15, Wednesday, 17th April: likely discharge from hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day +23, Thursday, 25th April: likely start second cycle (which will be a repeat of the above)
You will have noted that the day count starts at minus 1, with stem cell day being day 0 (why? because docs like things like that- and cold stethoscopes, they lurv cold stethoscopes, it's the smirk when they say sorry that gives them away. They particularly like ward rounds as it allows them to perfect the process and inflict the cold stethoscope on a lot of patients in a short period of time by hunting in a well organised pack: firstly, the specialist registrar distracts the patient with some questions whilst the ward Dr pretends to take notes, this is overseen by a nodding senior doc. Meanwhile, hidden behind these three, a bunch of baby docs stand around stealthily chilling the stethoscopes... a dark look is exchanged amongst the evil coven, and then they all lunge at once at the hapless victim.... anywayyyy, where was I...).
You will also note that I have finished all the chemo infusions for this cycle (yay) and that I get my stem cells back tomorrow (double yay).
Things continue to go pretty well, there are plenty of things to deal with, but that's the nature of the beast. We will just continue to deal with things as they come up, simple...
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