Monday, 22 April 2013

Day three of second cycle of high dose chemo.

I have just finished my last infusion of high dose chemo for this cycle, so that is another step down the road towards what we hope will be a cure. Doing the chemo itself is not too bad, side effects on day one were barely noticeably, on day two I had a bit of tiredness and I went of my food a bit, day three featured heavier fatigue, the onset of some nausea and the start of the unique queasyness that chemo brings. All of which is par for the course and either manageable or tolerable.
The tricky part will come a few days later when my blood counts crash, but we will deal with that then.

Hospital can be a boring place when things are going ok, so when my nutritionist asked if I wanted to volunteer to be the guinea pig for her lecture to a bunch of post grad students today I said yes.
Being talked about then poked and prodded by a bunch of students was a different way to spend an hour,  and it was kind of ironic after my ranting about generation Y yesterday, but it broke up my day nicely.
Cheers, Pete.


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