The antibiotic I was on to fight the Cdiff didn't seem to be doing the trick, so it has been changed to vancomycin, which may be the foulest tasting liquid know to the human race. On the other hand the frequency of my trips to the dunny have lessened, which is good because I have already had to have one toilet replaced after it jumped out the window in protest:
I continue to have a temperature spike every day, but that's fairly normal for someone in my situation, none of them have turned into the drama that they did on Monday night.
As for the day to day stuff, the rollercoaster ride continues, sometimes I don't even want to be in the same building as food as the smell just turns my stomach, at other times I do ok. Sometimes the fatigue is crushing, a couple of hours latter I will be fine. All in all I am doing ok and have hopefully turned a big corner.
Cheers, Pete.
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