Friday, 22 March 2013

Day 11 of the 2nd chemo cycle

Well it's been a couple of days without an update, sorry about that, we have been a bit busy with appointments, and napping as need be. I tend to run out of energy in the late afternoon.
We also had some very sad news from some people dear to us, so we felt even more deflated over the last couple of days.
I'm very, very happy with where I am at in terms of recovery from the last dose of chemo. Day 11 means I am still at a point where my blood counts are low but they are now entering the recovery phase. My blood test today indicated that:
  • haemoglobin was at 101which is low but holding up ok, normal levels are between 130 and 170
  • my platelet levels were 55, this was a slight fall from Monday, but platelets often lag behind the other counts, so the small fall indicates that they are about to turn the corner, normal levels are between 100 and 450.
  • white blood cell count was 0.9, still very low but climbing, normal levels are 4.0 to 10.0
  • neutrophils were at 0.66, still very low but climbing, normal levels are 2.0 to 7.0
They measure a bunch of other stuff too but the above are the key numbers, I will need the counts to be above a certain level before we can go ahead with the next round of that we can trash them  all over again (safely) in a few days time...hmmm. Not sure if I feel like this guy:

ancient Greek hero undertaking an epic task
Or maybe more like this guy:
Dung beetle rolling a turd up a hill
As my platelet level is the slowest responder, it is the one that will determine when the next round of chemo can start.
What the safe level is can be the subject of some discussion between the teams that manage my treatment.
The medical oncology team is keen to push the program through as originally laid and without delay because evidence shows that doing so gives us the best chance of a cure. Perfectly understandable.
Meanwhile the team that actually has to manage me through the process (haematology) want to mitigate the risks as much as possible. Perfectly understandable.
I want both.Perfectly understandable.
Cheers, Pete.

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