Not much to report to day, but after a busy week last week it was nice to take it easy. We went up to the hospital to get my Picc line dressed this morning, then we headed to Vic market afterwards, forgot it is closed on Wednesdays, bummer. As consolation I had a spicy lamb borek for lunch, it was probably my last opportunity to eat anything spicy for months, scoffed it in short measure! Was a bit too hot for me to be out as the heat really saps my energy, so we headed home.
As you can see below I have added some coloured shadows to the bars of my daily health summary to make things a bit clearer. Colour code is pretty obvious: Green = good; Yellow = ok, but having a few issues; orange = a problem; Red = things are rough.
The 'risk of infection' category should be read a bit differently as it will always be at least yellow and it will definitely reach the red zone on numerous occasions throughout the cycle. Red does not mean I am sick, it means that I am at high risk of picking something up and getting very sick. Obviously we will do everything we can to avoid that.
Cheers, Pete.
Pete, You're a star!!!