Friday, 29 March 2013

The Fountain

Well it is now late on the second day of the first cycle of high dose chemo and, while it is still very early days, everything is going very well. I've got everthing crossed that things continue that way, except my nuts... cos I've only got one. Sorry Mum, this blog is really seems to be going down hill fast, must be the chemo.
... Except that the chemo hasn't really kicked in yet...

Inspite of my best efforts to fatten up, and inspite of the 7 litres of fluid I receive as part of the chemo regime, I have dropped a couple of kilos since my last admission into hospital. It's not a big deal at this stage but it does show just how hard my body is working trying to repair itself. Need nore custard (that could be a hint).
Taking on 7 litres of fluid per day through the drip, plus whatever I drink results in a situation that looks a lot like this (sorry again mum):

 Except that I am aiming at a target that looks like this:
 Lucky I'm a good shot (but it probably depends who you ask).
Cheers, Pete.

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