She is a sneaky one, taking advantage of my half awake state she innocently offered me a harmless drink.
"What's the harm in a bit of saline with a bit of magnesium and potassium in it?" she said.
"Might even be good for you" she said.
"Give your electrolytes a boost" she said
"Oh alright" I said, half in an attempt to shut her up, experience should have told me that that was never going to work.
And that was it, she had found a way in and once under my skin she knew she could move on to the harder stuff without me being able to stop her, in the course of the next few hours I would have Emend, Granisetron, Dexametasone, Lasix, Etoposide and Carboplatin all flowing through my veins.
I'm going to pay a price for that lot over the next few weeks, but the worst thing is I know she will be back again in the wee small hours to pull the exact same trick, and I will fall for it all over again. I must be getting something out of it, she keeps telling me it is for my own good, it sure doesn't feel like it but for some reason I believe her.
Cheers, Pete
Hope you get to enjoy your easter egg Pete! Hope to see you soon. Jules x