Monday, 11 March 2013

Treatment update

It's Monday night as I type this, I'm still in hospital being treated for the blood clot and the odd spikes in temperature that I have been getting intermittently. The temperature spikes were being treated with intra-venous antibiotics, which meant lots of time attached to polly and fairly interrupted sleep as the antibiotics ran overnight (due to lots of beeping and farting from polly, and the night nurse for that matter). Today my temperatures have settled down a bit so we have moved to oral antibiotics, and polly has been detached and shoved in the corner.
Hopefully that means I will get a reasonable nights sleep tonight as tomorrow I am likely to have the new CVAD (central venous access device) installed. If that happens then chemo will restart either tomorrow or Wednesday.
This time the CVAD I am getting is known as a PICC line (peripherally inserted central catheter). It's basically a tube that gets inserted into a vein in my arm and travels along that vein until it is just near my heart (see pic below). I had one of these back in 2011, it is not as easy to live with as the permacath as it is always getting in the way, but on the upside it lasted the full three months it was needed for without any serious issues, so I will be very happy if this one does the same.

The blood clot is being treated with twice daily injections that are likely to go on for months.The symptoms from the clot have settled down, regular paracetamol is enough to control the pain in my shoulder/neck.

All in all the worst I can say about my current stay in hospital is that it is a bit dull, but, given the alternatives, I'll put up with dull without any complaints at all. We even went for a short walk in the park today after I was released from polly, getting out of the building for a bit is always a huge relief, even on a 36 degree day.
Cheers, Pete

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