Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The past few days.

God I hate surprises no.2
So much for getting through the first chemo cycle unscathed and the stem cell collection being uneventful, it has been a busy couple of days, so here is a quick summary:
  • Started to get a stiff neck near the permacath site on Saturday, got a bit worse during Sunday.
  • Woke up on Monday morning after a pretty rough night with a stiff neck, swollen right arm with protruding veins, a bit of a fever, a couple of small boils and generally feeling pretty crap
  • Went in to Peter Mac at 8am for stem cell appoint and to get checked out, Apheresis people took one look at me and decision was made to not go ahead with stem cell collection before a thorough check out due to possible infection or clot (cue lots of gags about Mondays).
  • Various tests and checks were done to try to discover what was going on including: ultra sound to rule out possibility of blood clot, chest xray to rule out chest infection, lots blood cultures and swabs were done to try to figure out if it was an infection. Various other prodding, poking and pulling of concerned faces also occurred. (inspite of the fact that all these tests were unscheduled the staff managed to make them happen)
  • Was admitted to ward 9 Monday morning, antibiotics were started. Most of the test results came back negative: no clot, no obvious source of infection.
  • Started to feel a bit better on Tuesday morning. Antibiotics continuing.
  • After further checks they felt it was safe to do a stem cell collection on Tuesday afternoon, went pretty well except that I had a minor reaction to the anti-coagulant that they use (was easily fixed with a calcium drink)
  • Now Wednesday morning and I am currently feeling ok, having another stem cell collection done at the moment, possibly the last if we get enough today.
  • Blood counts (white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets) are starting to look good again today (Wednesday, which is day 12 of cycle, so right on target for that).
  • Will probably going home some time today (Wednesday).
  • Back in tomorrow (Thursday) for appointment with Oncologist.
  • Admission on Friday for chemo (but that needs to be confirmed).
At this point in time the problems with neck/arm seem to be due to a possible infection at the permacath insertion site, inspite of the fact that there are no obvious signs of infection at the site itself. If there is an infection there then the permacath will need to come out as it would likely become an ongoing issue, one that would present too much of a risk during the high dose chemo phase of my treatment. It's all a bit inconclusive at the moment, we'll find out more in the next few days.

Like the issue with my leg a couple of years early I am again hearing highly experienced medical professionals say things like "well that's odd..." I think an email may have gone round the hospital telling people that if I am coming to their department for a procedure then they should not expect things to go smoothly, they should put on a brave face and treat the experience as a learning opportunity, and they should expect to do a lot of rescheduling.
I have to say once again that the calibre of the staff here at Peter Mac continues to impress me enormously. It's not just what they do, it's the way that they do it with professionalism, diligence and humour under any and all circumstances that earn my admiration. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to you all.
Cheers, Pete.

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