Saturday, 9 March 2013


"There's many a man hath more hair than wit" William Shakespeare, A Comedy Of Errors.

So if Shakespeare was right I should be getting wittier by the second, cos my hair is coming out by the handful at the moment.
Hair loss does not occur in all chemo patients, some chemo drugs cause hair loss, others don't.
It is an event in a chemo patients life seems to draw one of two responses, for some patients it is a a big deal, irregardless of whether they are male or female. I fall firmly in the other camp, the one that really doesn't give a rats razoo. However, I will admit that the first time I noticed it starting to happen while enjoying a meal in a pub back in January 2008 I was a little taken aback even though I had been expecting it, I think it suddenly made things real.
The other thing about 2008 was that even though the docs tell you that hair loss is likely to happen, they don't tell you that it is best if you shave your hair very short as soon as it starts to happen if you want to avoid waking up one morning with a mouth full of hair and then spending the next three months hacking up hairballs.
All together now:
Give me a head with hair-hack-, long beautiful hair-cough-, shining gleaming steaming flaxen waxen,-hack-.
Give me it down to-choke-there, hair, shoulder length or longer, here, baby, there, mamma, everywhere, daddy daddy haaa-cough, hack-aaaair!
Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair" Hack Haaaak Haaaaak, Sputooy.

Cheers, Pete.

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